
Having a good structure is essential for our culture. We derive and maintain our structure from the learnings of the open-source community to maximize the odds to better decisions, innovation, and sustainability.

Presently, our structure constitutes of the following supporting characteristics.


The flat structure encourages members, regardless of who they are, to have an equal opportunity to contribute to the projects that suit their passions and interests. Such a structure plays a vital role in how we make decisions, collaborate, and communicate.

Within the flat structure, members are naturally encouraged to contribute with minimal supervision. However, this also means that more experienced members are encouraged to provide support, guidance, and mentorship to the newer ones. The more experienced members will support the newer ones with a tailored framework that will help them transition to more independent work that aligns with the business objectives and strategies of the team.


Our fluid structure allows members to work on projects relevant to their interests and passions while maximizing innovation, scalability, and sustainability. This fluidity enhances productivity by balancing each individual’s workload to avoid burnout.

Balancing responsibility with the flexibility to move around different projects and teams is essential. We encourage members to openly talk about their projects and experience to entice others to participate in their cohort, infusing projects with a steady state of new and fresh perspectives that contribute to innovation.

At the same time, we encourage members to proactively explore and similarly contribute to other projects through observation and peer review. Such practices enable a streamlined and cumulative knowledge transfer process, minimizing the need for brain dumps.


We share a distributed workplace. Where members work depend on individual needs and preferences, which offers the following advantages:

  • Members can work from anywhere they feel productive without moving to a different location for work reasons.
  • Members do not need to worry about commuting to work, thus eliminating this compounding burden and achieving a reduced carbon footprint.
  • We are a more inclusive and diverse organization.
  • We can attract talents worldwide.

To synergize with the distributed nature, we encourage members to leverage asynchronous means to communicate and collaborate whenever possible, which unblocks the flow of information and enables members working in different time zones to be collectively productive.